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At your first visit at the Timboon Osteopathic Clinic a thorough history and physical examination will take place to identify areas of dysfunction. Bring along any relevant imaging reports or x-ray films you may have. We may test functional movements like squatting and reaching and assess muscle strength, balance and your breathing patterns. Wearing comfortable flexible clothing will assist this assessment.
Based on your history and examination findings a diagnosis is made of the most likely causes of your symptoms and the tissues/structures involved. Sometimes imaging is required or referral to another practitioner is required to confirm the diagnosis.
A treatment plan will be proposed. A gentle manual or "hands on" treatment then be provided. The type of hands on techniques employed depend on the complaint and patient comfort. You may be given exercises and advice to assist you in your recovery. Some disrobing may be required. Rigid or Flexible ("Kinesiotape/ Rocktape") tape is sometimes offered/applied as an aide to treatment, or other items like bracing or compression aids recommended.
Allow around 45 minutes for your consultation.
Back pain and neck pain
Tension headache
Muscle strains and joint sprains
Shoulder injury, including rotator cuff strain
Pelvic pain
Recovery post surgery, including scar tissue related issues
Optimising breathing function

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Osteopathic assessment and treatment following breast cancer:
A history will be taken of the relevant issues, and of previous treatment to date. Only if the patient is comfortable I would ask the patient to disrobe eg. top, bra off in order to see and feel how the breast is moving on the chest wall and to assess the texture, any fluid or restricted movement of the breast. Gentle hands on treatment may be used, in addition with other adjuncts like scar gel tape, kinesiotape, cupping over scars and exercise advice. I will communicate any findings/treatment via letter (with patient approval ) with the other people in the treating team.
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